Dereplikace látek a de novo charakterizace malých molekul z hmotnostních spekter
DOI:íčová slova:
CycloBranch, dereplikace, de novo charakterizace, hmotnostní spektrometrie, metabolomika, hmotnostně spektrometrické zobrazování, kapalinová chromatografie, izotopová strukturaAbstrakt
We describe the molecular dereplication principles and de novo characterization of small molecules obtained from liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry and imaging mass spectrometry data sets. Our methodology aims at supporting chemists and computer programmers to understand the hidden computing algorithms used for metabolomics mass spectrometry data processing. The approaches have been made available in the open-source tool CycloBranch. The presented tutorial extends the interpretation of mass spectra portfolia described in a series of papers published in Chemicke Listy, issues 2/2020 and 3/2020.